Principal, Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences

MD(UDSM), MMed(UDSM), PhD (Uppsala University (IMCH))



1. Facilitator country-wide project for training on AMTSL and management of PPH in Tanzania organised by AGOTA, PRINMAT,VSI and MOHSW (2008/9)

2. Member of the international peer-reviewing team of the teaching module for the integration of Family planning services with HIV/AIDS management ( By FHI, Nairobi April, 2005).)

3. Member, country group of the International federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FIGO) initiative for prevention of unsafe abortion 2009-to date

4. Consultant: Pre-service Curriculum Review for Family planning in Tanzania  Engender health-Acquire Tanzania Project (2009/10)

5. Facilitator of the country-wide training project on Active Management of Third Stage of Labour  and management of PPH in Tanzania organised by the Association of Gynaecologists & Obstetricians of Tanzania ( AGOTA) and Venture Strategy Innovations (VSI) 2009- June 2011.

6. Expert Committee Member: East Central and Southern African (ECSA)-Family and Reproductive Health (FRH) program 2010

7. National facilitator, Essential Surgical Skills training in Tanzania 2009-2012

8. National coordinator of PPIUD project in Tanzania, run by The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the Tanzania’s National Society for Gynecologists and Obstetricians (AGOTA): This is a three year [phase I] project (January 2015 to 30th December 2017 with an extension to June 2018) aiming at improving postpartum IUD uptake in six countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Sri-Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh.  [FIGO Sub-grant No. TZ100215/AD01, US$2,067,807 ]

9. Co-investigator: The incidence of Unsafe Abortion in Tanzania. This country wide study project is conducted by Guttmacher Institute (USA), MUHAS and NIMR and will take 3 years from Early January 2013 to 2015.

10. Principal Investigator:  An Intervention To Improve Health Care Seeking Behavior And Reporting Of Events Among Survivors Of Child Sexual Abuse, Rape And Intimate Partner Violence In Kilombero District, Tanzania.(Funded by Sida for 2009-2013)

11. Lead Consultant : Rapid assessment of National  EmONC equipment availability and gaps for public and faith based organizations’ health facilities in Tanzania Mainland (UNFPA, WHO & MOHSW)-2011 This was a survey of all public hospitals, health centers and dispensaries that were earmarked for promotion to EmONC health centers in Tanzania Mainland. It was a 375 million shillings project. A report and distribution plan were submitted. Contact MOHSW, Ass. Director RCH, Dr.Neema Rusibamayila 0754866267

12. Consultant: Best practice in PPIUD/CPAC in Tanzania & South Africa. Royal College of Obstetricians ang Gynecologists-2015-17.

13. Lead Consultant : Rapid assessment of National  EmONC equipment availability and gaps for public and faith based organizations’ health facilities in Tanzania Mainland (UNFPA, WHO & MOHSW). This was a survey of all public hospitals, health centers and dispensaries that were earmarked for promotion to EmONC health centers in Tanzania Mainland. Completed 2012.

14. Co-PI: Rapid assessment of National  EmONC equipment availability and gaps for public and private health facilities in the Lake and Western Zones of Tanzania (UNFPA, MOHSW)-2015.

15. CO-PI, M&E of Every Mother Every Newborn Interventional (EMEN) Project by UNICEF through OPP1112117 “UNICEF & BMCF:MNH Patternership Grant” by Bill & Melinda Gates, subgrant to NIMR, Oct 2015 to Sept 2018 [216,300 USD]

16. CO-PI & Consultant: Assess Safety of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by clinical officers versus assistant medical officers: study protocol for a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial in Tanzanian women carried by Engender Health & MOHCDGEC 2016-17.

17. Consultancy: WHO review group of Medical Eligibility Criteria for the use of Hormonal Contraceptives among women at high risk of acquiring HIV,Swiss,  2017.

18. Co-Researcher & Technical Adviser: Economic evaluation of unsafe abortion Versus Family Planning in Tanzania: Guttmacher Institute, January 2018.

19. Co-PI: Assesment of BEmONC services in health centers in the BRN Regions, MoHCDGEC, World Bank, 2018 9 [World Bank]

20. Clinical Adviser and Co-researcher. Documenting the Health System Cost of Unsafe Abortion and Provision of Contraception in Tanzania (Guttmacher Institute & MUHAS, 1st December, 2017 -30th April 2018

21. Principle Investigator- Impact of postpartum IUD insertion on the quantity, duration and risk of infected lochia discharges in Tanzania. Proposal funded by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), January 2018.[Study ongoing in Mbeya and Arusha regions. Data collection being finalised].

22. Co-PI: Phase 3 study: Sustainability of the Implementation of Institutionalisation of  PPIUD in Tanzania. An implementation study in Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Dodoma,Mwanza, Arusha and Mbeya Regions.  Proposal submitted, study plan sent. Awaiting final Approval of the Grant-May 2018.



1. P S Muganyizi, C Kilewo and C Moshiro. Rape against Women: The Magnitude, Perpetrators and Patterns of Disclosure of Events in Dar es Salaam,Tanzania. Afr JReprod Health 2004; 8[3]:137-146

2. PS Muganyizi, HL Kidanto, MR Kazaura and SN Massawe. Caesarean section: Trend and associated factors in Tanzania. African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 2008; 2 (2):65-68

3. Peter Wangwe, Hussein Kidanto, Projestine Muganyizi , Jos van Roosmalen . Active management of third stage of labour: misoprostol or oxytocin?. African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, Vol. 3, Iss. 2, 17 Apr 2009, pp 57 – 61

 4. HL Kidanto, MA Fadhlun, M Projestine. Comparing standard primigravidae and low parity women in Tanzania . African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, Vol. 3,Iss. 1, 16 Feb2009, pp 17 - 22

5. PS Muganyizi, HL Kidanto. Impact of change in maternal age composition on the incidence of Caesarean section and low birth weight: analysis of delivery records at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania, 1999-2005. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2009, 9:30 doi:10.1186/1471-2393-9-30;

6. Muganyizi PS, Hogan N, Emmelin M, Lindmark G, Massawe S, Nystrom L, Axemo P.Social reactions to rape: experiences and perceptions of women rape survivors and their potential support providers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.Violence Vict.2010;24(5):607-26.

7. Muganyizi PS, Nyström L, Lindmark G, Emmelin M, Massawe S, Axemo P.Effect of    supporter characteristics on expression of negative social reactions toward rape survivors in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.Health Care Women Int. 2010 Aug;31(8):668-85.

8. Muganyizi PS, Nyström L, Axemo P, Emmelin M.Managing in the Contemporary World: Rape Victims' and Supporters' Experiences of Barriers Within the Police and the Health Care System in Tanzania. J Interpers Violence. 2011 Jan 30.

9. Muganyizi PS, Shagdara MS.Predictors of extra care among magnesium sulphate treated eclamptic patients at Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2011 Jun 3; 11(1):41.

10. Mselenge H Mdegela 1, Projestine S Muganyizi 2, Andrea B Pembe 2, Daudi O Simba 3,Jos van Roosmalen 4, 5How rational are indications for emergency caesarean section in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health Research  October, 2012, 14 (4). Doi:

11. John France, Projestine S. Muganyizi. Characteristics of symptoms of imminent eclampsia: a case referent study from a tertiary hospital in Tanzania. OJOG 2012; 2: 311-317 doi:10.4236/ojog.2012.23065, URL

12. Sebalda Leshabaria,Lindsey L. Lubbockb, Herbert Kaijagec,Willbrord Kalala, Gary Koehlere, Siriel Massawef,Projestine Muganyizi, Sarah B. Macfarlaneg and Patricia O’Sullivanhl.  First steps towards interprofessional health practice in Tanzania: An educational experiment in rural Bagamoyo district. Journal of Public Health Policy, 2012 Vol. 33, S1, S138–S149

13. Joseph Karanja, Projestine Muganyizi, Emanuel Rwamshaija, Nuriye Hodoglugil, Emma Nesper Holm, Regional Summit Experts’ Group. Confronting maternal mortality due to postpartum hemorrhage and unsafe abortion: A call for commitment. African Journal of Reproductive Health 2013

14. Muganyizi PS, Balandya B. Pregnancy outcomes in the extremes of reproductive age: A seven year experience in Tanzania. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013, 3, 51-57. do J.

15. Stekelenburg and P Muganyizi. Twinning between Tanzania and the Netherlands 2006 -2012. A brief Report. IJOG 2013i:10.4236/ojog.2013.31012 Published Online January 2013 (

16. Muganyizi PS, Balandya B. Pregnancy outcomes in the extremes of reproductive age: A seven year experience in Tanzania. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013, 3, 51-57. doi:10.4236/ojog.2013.31012 Published Online January 2013 (

17. PS Muganyizi, D Mageta. Does the use of modern family planning promote healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy in Dar es Salaam. BMC Reproductive Health 2013, 10:65 doi:10.1186/1742-4755-10-65

18. Projestine Muganyizi.  Determinants of adverse pregnancy outcomes among Sickle Cell Disease deliveries at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania from 1999 to 2011. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013, 3, 466-471. doi:10.4236/ojog.2013.36086 Published Online August 2013 (

19. Muganyizi, H. Kidanto. Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnancy: Trend and Pregnancy Outcomes at a Tertiary Hospital in Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2013, 8(2): e56541. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056541

20. Muganyizi PS, Ishengoma J, Kanama J, Kikumbih N, Mwanga F, Killian R and MacGinn E. An analysis of pre-service Family Planning teaching in clinical and nursing education in Tanzania. BMC Medical Education 2014, 14:142. S 

21. Muzdalifat Abeid, Projestine Muganyizi, Pia Olsson1, Elisabeth Darj and Pia Axemo. Community perceptions of rape and child sexual abuse: a qualitative study in rural Tanzania. BMC International Health and Human Rights 2014, 14:23.

22. Muzdalifat Abeid, Projestine Muganyizi, Siriel Massawe, Rose Mpembeni,Elisabeth Darj and Pia Axemo. Knowledge and attitude towards rape and child sexual abuse-a community based cross-sectional study in Rural Tanzania.BMC Public Health 04/2015;15(1):428. DOI:10.1186/s12889-015-1757-7.

23. Anna Glasier, David Baird, Paul Blumenthal, Sharon Cameron, Ailsa Gebbie, Stefan Gebhardt, Natalie Kapp, Judy Kluge, Patricia Lohr, Projestine Muganyizi, Malika Patel, Gregory Petro, Petrus Steyn and Zephne van der Spuy. Best practice in Comprehensive abortion care. RCOG, 2015:

24. Anna Glasier, David Baird, Paul Blumenthal, Sharon Cameron, Ailsa Gebbie, Stefan Gebhardt, Natalie Kapp, Judy Kluge, Patricia Lohr, Projestine Muganyizi, Malika Patel, Gregory Petro, Petrus Steyn and Zephne van der Spuy. Best practice in postpartum family planning. RCOG, 2015:

25. Muzdalifat Abeid, Projestine Muganyizi, Rose Mpembeni,Elisabeth Darj and Pia Axemo. A community-based intervention for improving healthseeking behavior among sexual violence survivors: a controlled before and after design study in rural Tanzania. Glob Health Action 2015, 8: 28608 -

26. Keogh SC, Kimaro G, Muganyizi P, Philbin J, Kahwa A, Ngadaya E, et al. (2015) Incidence of Induced Abortion and Post-Abortion Care in Tanzania. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0133933. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133933

27. Muzdalifat Abeid, Projestine Muganyizi, Rose Mpembeni, Elisabeth Darj and Pia Axemo (2016) .Evaluation of a training program for health care workers to improve the quality of care for rape survivors: a quasi-experimental design study in Morogoro, Tanzania. Glob Health Action 2016, 9: 31735 - 

28.  Mark A. Barone1*, Zuhura Japhet Ominde Achola, Carmela Cordero, Joseph Kanama, Projestine S. Muganyizi, Jamilla Mwanga, Caitlin Shannon and Leopold Tibyehabwa. Safety  of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by clinical officers versus assistant medical officers: study protocol for a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial in Tanzanian Women. BMC Trials, 2017. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-2235-6

29. Projestine Muganyizi, *, Edward Maswanya, Stella Kilima, Grades Stanley, Ahmad Makuwani, Julius Massaga, Victor Bakengesa, Georgina Msemo. Availability, Coverage and Geographical Distribution of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Services in Tanzania Mainland. Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2017; 5(1): 1-8. doi: 10.11648/j.jgo.20170501.11

30.  Projestine Muganyizi, Edward Maswanya, Stella Kilima, Grades Stanley, Julius Massaga,Victor Bakengesa. Correlation of Obstetric Care Facility Density with Standard Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Indicators in TanzaniaMainland. Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2017; 5(5): 60-68. doi: 10.11648/j.jgo.20170505.12

31. Hilda Kanama & Projestine Selestine Muganyizi. Impact of facility delivery intensity on the practice of Active Management of Third Stage of labour and other labour and delivery interventions in Tanzania. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2017 [Submitted, 2018)

32.  Mark A. Barone*, Zuhura Mbuguni, Japhet Ominde Achola, Carmela Cordero, Joseph Kanama,Projestine S. Muganyizi, Jamilla Mwanga, Caitlin Shannon1 and Leopold Tibyehabwa. Safety  of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by clinical officers versus assistant medical officers; a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial in Tanzanian Women. Global Health: Science and Practice Journal, 2018.

33.  Haram Mustafa, Projestine S. Muganyizi, Belinda Ballandya. Pregnancy Outcome among Internally Displaced Women in Juba, South Sudan. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Accepted Dec, 2018)

33. Edward Maswanya.1*, Projestine Muganyizi 2 , Stella Kilima1, Deus Mogella 3 and Julius Massaga1 Practice of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care functions and reasons for non-provision among Health Centers and Hospitals in Lake and Western Zones of Tanzania. BMC Health Services Research, 2018

34. Projestine S. Muganyizi, Edward Maswanya, Stella Kilima and Ahmad Makuwani.  Migration for Obstetric Care: The Role of Regional Obstetric Care Facility Density disparities in Tanzania. BMC Research Notes, 2018

35. Projestine S. Muganyizi,*  Grasiana Kimario  Patrick Ponsian Kate Howard|

Maya Sethi, Anita Makins Clinical outcomes of postpartum intrauterine devices inserted by midwives in Tanzania. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics,September 2018, DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.12603.

36. Anita Makins, Neda Taghinejadi, Maya Sethi, Kazuyo Machiyama, Projestine Muganyizi,Elly Odongo, Hema Dvakar, Parveen Fatima, Kusum Thapa,  Gamini Perera, Sabaratnam Arulkumaran. FIGO postpartum Intrauterine Device initiative:Complication rates across six countries.. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, September 2018, DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.12600..

37 Anita Makins, Neda Taghinejadi, Maya Sethi, Kazuyo Machiyama,Kusum Thapa, Gamini Perera, Projestine S. Muganyizi, Ajey Bhardwaj, Sabaratnam Arulkumaran. Factors influencing the likelihood of acceptance of postpartum intrauterine devices across four countries: India, Nepal, SriLanka, and Tanzania, September 2018, DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.12599.

38. Muganyizi, P.S., Kimario, G.F., Rwegoshora, F.J., Paul, P.P. and Makins, A., 2021. Impact of immediate postpartum insertion of TCu380A on the quantity and duration of lochia discharges in Tanzania. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine, 6(1), pp.1-9.

39.  Erin Pearson, Leigh Senderowicz, Elina Pradhan, Joel Francis, Projestine Muganyizi, Iqbal Shah, David Canning, Mahesh Karra, Nzovu Ulenga, Till Baernighausen. Effect of a Postpartum Family Planning Intervention on Postpartum Intrauterine Device Counseling and Choice: Evidence from a Cluster-Randomized Trial in Tanzania. BMC Women'sHealth  (2020) 20:102

40. Rwegoshora, F.J., Muganyizi, P.S., Kimario, G.F., Paul, P.P. and Makins, A., 2020. A one-year cohort study of complications, continuation, and failure rates of postpartum TCu380A in Tanzania. Reproductive Health, 17(1), pp.1-10.

41. Judy Gold, Anita Makins, Suzanna Bright, Katherine Dean, Emily-Anne Tunnacliffe, Parveen Fatima, Afroja Yesmin, Projestine Muganyizi, Grasiana F Kimario, Kim Dalziel. Economic evaluation of provision of PPIUD services in Bangladesh and Tanzania. GHSP Journal, 2022

42. Alexander Manu, Masum Billah, John Williams, Stella Kilima, Francis Yeji, Ziaul Martin, Asia Hussain, Priscilla Wobil, Farhana Karim, Prof. Projestine Muganyizi, Deus Mogela, Maya Vandenent, Kyaw Aung, Mrunal Shetye, Nabila Zaka, Luwei Pearson, Tedbabe Hailegebriel. Impact of quality improvement interventions implemented in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania. GHSP Journal, 2022.

43. Lince-Deroche N, Ruhago G, Castillo PW, Williams P, Muganyizi P, Bankole A. The health system costs of post abortion care in Tanzania. BMC health services research. 2021 Dec;21(1):1-5.

 44. Balandya, E., Hyuha, G., Mtaya, M., Otieno, J., Sunguya, B., Frumence, G., Muganyizi, P., Lyamuya, E., Urassa, D., Kamuhabwa, A., Pembe, A. Advances in training of specialized human resources for health in Tanzania: the case of Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences.BMC Med Educ, 2022; 22 (1):  25



1. Muganyizi PS. Sexual Violence Against Women (Paper Presented at the 5th International Conference organized by East, Central & Southern African Obstetricians & Gynecologic Societies,Mombasa, February 2003)

2. Muganyizi PS: Social reactions to rape survivors in Dar es salaam. Presentation made atPresentation made at the AGOTA-RCQHC Workshop, June,2007

3. Muganyizi PS. Experiences and perceptions of female rape survivors and their potential supporters in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Presentation made at the 6th AMRN Biennial Scientific Conference, Nairobi Kenya;November 2007

4. Muganyizi PS. Social reactions to rape: Experiences and perceptions of female rape survivors and their potential supporters in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Presentation made at the 2nd  East African Health & Scientific Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, March 2008.

5. Muganyizi PS. Negative Social Reactions to Rape survivors: A barrier to Health Seeking and Recovery in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Paper presented at the International Conference on Gender-based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health, 18 February 2009, Mumbai,India. Proceedings ISBN 978-81-910540-1-9 (Peer Reviewed Paper)

6. Muganyizi PS, Ishengoma J, Killian R. Analysis of Pre-service Family Planning Teaching in Tanzania. Abstract presented at the 2011 International Conference in Dakar, Senegal Nov 29-2 Dec, 2011

7. Muganyizi PS. Collaboration for Post Partum Family Planning in Tanzania International Paper presented at the Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) World Congress 2015, Vancouver, Canada October 2015.

8. Projestine S. Muganyizi1, Edward Maswanya2, Stella Kilima2, Grades Stanley2 Ahmadi Makuwani3, Deus Mogela3, Gasto Frumence1 and Julius J. Massaga2 Availability and distribution of EmONC Services in Tanzania Mainland.4th MUHAS annual Scientific Conference, June 2016.

9. Projestine S. Muganyizi1, Edward Maswanya2, Stella Kilima2, Grades Stanley2 Ahmadi Makuwani3, Deus Mogela3, Gasto Frumence1 and Julius J. Massaga. Utilization and quality of Emergency Obstetric and New born Care Services in Tanzania Mainland. 4th MUHAS annual Scientific Conference, June 2016.

10. Projestine S. Muganyizi, Grace Kimario, Patrick Ponsian, Anita Makins, Kate Howard, Maya Sethi. Role of Midwives on Postpartum IUD Insertions in Tanzania. Poster presentation at the FIGO Regional Conference in Dubai, April, 2018

11. Mark A. Barone*, Zuhura Mbuguni, Japhet Ominde Achola, Carmela Cordero, Joseph Kanama,Projestine S. Muganyizi, Jamilla Mwanga, Caitlin Shannon and Leopold Tibyehabwa. Safety  of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by clinical officers versus assistant medical officers. Oral presentation at FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil October 2018.